Peatlands and the Project Explained

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What is a circular economy and why do we need it?

The world's economies have to date been based on a linear model of continuous growth, using natural resources to make our lives healthier, wealthier and more comfortable. This "take, make, waste" model is not sustainable and that is why there is a move towards a circular economy, based on long-life products that can be renewed, reused, repaired, upgraded and refurbished to preserve precious natural resources, protect habitats and reduce pollution. A current common or often discussed problem is tackling single-use-plastics.

The Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy is Ireland’s new roadmap for waste planning and management. This Plan shifts focus away from waste disposal and looks instead to how we can preserve resources by creating a circular economy. It contains several key targets around Key targets under the Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy address: Households and Businesses; Food Waste; Plastic, Packaging and Single Use Plastic; Extended Producer Responsibility; Construction and Demolition Waste; Textiles; Treatment; Enforcement; and Government Leadership in the Circular Economy.

In June 2021 it was announced that the Government is to draft new legislation to implement a circular economy involving a radical change to production and consumption, limiting single use products and clamping down on littering and dumping, among other measures.

Some great resources are available explaining the circular economy and Ireland's plan to bring about this shift in more detail: